
Two projects carried out by Pasquin St-Jean, a subsidiary of Roche Ltd, Consulting Group, recently won awards: one from the Institut d’Acier d’Armature du Québec (IAAQ) and the other from Cecobois.

Pasquin St-Jean, a subsidiary of Roche Ltd, Consulting Group, was awarded a trophy during the Institut de l’acier d’armature du Québec (IAAQ)’s awards of excellence in steel construction gala, held in Montréal on May 29, 2013. The winning project was the “Maison du développement durable (sustainable development house), Équiterre building”, in the “panel favourite” category. Pasquin St-Jean was also presented […]

We’re celebrating 50 years of engineering history

Roche Ltd, Consulting Group is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Roche was formed in 1963 out of the ambition of a young engineer from La Malbaie, Charles-E. Rochette, and quickly became a key player among engineering consulting firms.  From the outset Roche’s founder, Charles-E Rochette, imposed his vision of engineering in Quebec and of the potential of young engineers. […]