Support in achieving excellence in asset management - Norda Stelo
Support in achieving excellence in asset management

Support in achieving excellence in asset management

The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated is responsible for five major road transportation and active mobility links in the Montreal region.  

Asset management has always played an important role for this entity, which is the guarantor of key infrastructures, some of which are almost a century old.  

This mandate aims to support PJCCI in its asset management practices, enabling them to develop a holistic vision supported by the most advanced asset management standards according to the IAM (Institute of Asset Management). Norda Stelo’s experts have been supporting and guiding the PJCCI corporation on this journey since 2016.

Asset Management – JCCBI Corporation

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated (the JCCBI Corporation) 

The Challenge

JCCBI manages five road links in the southern part of the metropolitan region: the Jacques-Cartier Bridge (inaugurated in 1930), the Estacade (1965), the Nuns’ Island bypass bridge, the federal sections of the Bonaventure Expressway (1967) and the Honoré-Mercier Bridge (1934), as well as the Melocheville Tunnel (1957) near Beauharnois. These infrastructures include three major structures crossing the St. Lawrence River between Montreal and the South Shore.  

These essential links require responsiveness and a long-term vision, in collaboration with other stakeholders.  

Aware of its role, the company is actively engaged in proactive asset management, integrating technologies such as computerized sensors on its key structures, and modeling to have digital twins of the bridges. 

Since 2016, Norda Stelo has been accompanying JCCBI on its asset management journey, starting with a maturity analysis based on IAM (Institute of Asset Management) criteria. Even for an organization already invested in asset management, such a maturity analysis remains crucial, and covers some forty aspects defined by the IAM. It helps to balance interdependent aspects, maximize strengths and target improvements. 

This analysis revealed crucial improvements for JCCBI, essential for improving decision-making and effective asset management. Responding positively to these issues will enable the Corporation to enhance the safety and reliability of its infrastructure. As part of this mandate, a new maturity analysis will be carried out to identify the next areas for improvement. 

Our Approach

Following the initial maturity analysis conducted by Norda Stelo, several key projects were identified to improve JCCBI’s physical asset management practices. These projects were prioritized to ensure continuous improvement and maximize short-term gains.  

The creation of an asset management policy became a priority. JCCBI commissioned Norda Stelo to draft this essential document, now guiding the asset management strategy. Four workshops led by our experts enabled the Asset Management Committee to discuss critical decisions, and the results were incorporated into the policy. A customized training program ensured that Committee members had a common understanding of orientations and implementation.  

We also raised awareness among managers and employees of the importance of information management, integrated with asset management. This involved defining a maturity scale for assessing data quality and preparing training courses on information management principles.  

Finally, Norda Stelo helped JCCBI develop an information management strategy to effectively structure data for the five infrastructures under its responsibility. This strategy aims to align information management with overall asset management objectives.  

Norda Stelo is continuing its support by focusing on the development of organizational practices. This includes new customized training and coaching workshops so that JCCBI can establish asset management strategies and plans to ensure their sustainability. 

The Result

Our mandate included maturity analysis, asset management policy development and information management to sustainably transform PJCCI’s practices. We organized workshops and provided customized training for managers, which improved internal communication and ensured a uniform understanding of results.  

At the same time, we prepared presentation tools tailored to the JCCBI team, making it easier to interpret analyses and communicate key messages. This approach enabled an optimized allocation of resources, by documenting needs with evidence-based data, and translating this information to support findings and identify courses of action.  

We also structured JCCBI’s work to develop an information management plan. Assessment of this plan via a maturity matrix helped identify strengths and areas for improvement, while guiding the drafting of a solid information management strategy.  

As part of the ongoing support, collaborative solutions and digital media are being deployed, to ensure effective communication and active participation throughout the process.  

By guiding JCCBI towards industry best practice, this project has not only improved asset management, but also moved the major infrastructure sector forward. The benefits achieved, such as more structured asset management and an approach aligned with strategic objectives, support the organization’s sustainable transformation efforts. 

  • JCCBI infrastructure in figures: 82 million passages annually, 5 key infrastructures in the metropolitan region, 6.4 km of exclusive right-of-way active mobility paths, nearly $160 million in major works (year 2022-2023). 
  • Every day, the Société ensures the safety of thousands of users by managing, maintaining and repairing five crucial road links in Greater Montreal. Through rigorous asset management, we consolidate our efforts to ensure that these infrastructures remain safe, operational and in good condition, now and in the future.  
  • JCCBI’s asset management objectives are highly ambitious. In particular, the company is targeting a service life of 150 years for the Jacques Cartier Bridge, i.e. until 2080, which is exceptional for a major road bridge of almost 3 km in a northern climate.  
  • Our mandate with JCCBI included a maturity analysis, the development of an asset management policy and an information management plan, as well as assistance in drafting asset management strategies and plans.  
  • Our collaboration with JCCBI continues. The Company keeps improving its approach and the quality of its information, moving towards better decision-making on assets throughout their lifecycle. 
Key Expertise
  • Asset Management
  • Bridges

The vast amount of data and the diversity of the assets managed by JCCBI require an in-depth approach that ensures access to harmonized, up-to-date, quality information to support informed decision-making in the management of its infrastructures.

Impacts of the project

Optimizing infrastructure maintenance extends its lifespan and minimizes the extraction of new resources needed to replace it.

The proposed asset management practices strengthen infrastructure resilience to extreme events such as floods, storms or heat waves.

The proposed asset management practices prevent service interruptions and ensure uninterrupted access for residents, emergency services and economic activities.

Maintaining infrastructure in good condition reduces the risk of accidents and injuries. This includes incorporating additional safety measures to adapt to new threats or evolving standards.

The road links managed by JCCBI are emblematic of Montreal. Such is the case of the Jacques-Cartier Bridge, an architectural jewel equipped with an interactive light signature since 2017, and which transforms into a pedestrian link on fireworks nights.

In 2020, the Company celebrated the 90th anniversary of the Jacques Cartier Bridge, a crucial link between Montreal and the South Shore. JCCBI keeps a close eye on the maintenance of this emblematic bridge to extend its useful life until 2080.

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