OSB Plant Conveyor System - Norda Stelo
OSB Plant Conveyor System

OSB Plant Conveyor System

Design of the complete conveyor system for the entire greenfield facility. 

OSB Plant Conveyor System

United States

JM Huber Corporation

Wood Products


CWA provided the detailed design of the complete conveyor system for the greenfield oriented strand board (OSB) facility, including: 

  • Log-handling infeed conveyors.  
  • Rake-flight conveyors. 
  • Idler and slider belt conveyors. 
  • Hog fuel-handling chain and belt conveyors. 
  • Hydraulic and electro-mechanical drive units. 
  • Emergency fire dump and diverter gates. 
  • Electric and pneumatic actuator systems. 
  • Automated conveyor fire sprinkler systems. 
Key Expertise
  • Engineering and Design
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