Case Studies - Société québécoise des infrastructures (SQI) - Norda Stelo
Case Studies - Société québécoise des infrastructures (SQI)

Case Studies - Société québécoise des infrastructures (SQI)

Evaluation of the level of organizational maturity in asset management and proposal of value-added improvement projects.

Case Studies – SQI

Quebec, Canada

Société québécoise des infrastructures (SQI)

The Challenge

The SQI’s building management coordination and support directorate holds dispersed and diversified real estate. Twelve regional property divisions oversee several types of buildings, including office buildings, prisons, courthouses, warehouses and Sûreté du Québec posts.

Notre approche

In September 2015, our team conducted a gap analysis comparing SQI’s activities with the good practices promoted in standard ISO 55 000, while targeting potential process improvements, in order to propose a series of key value-creation projects to improve the organization’s physical asset management practices.

Following the analysis of a series of pertinent documents, several key players were brought in for interviews lasting approximately two hours. Applicable questions from the Institute of Asset Management’s maturity evaluation model were asked to each resource in order to obtain an in-depth understanding of current practices. Then, two sessions were held to demonstrate and use the main computer tools related to immobilization and maintenance management.

Data collection and monitoring activities are important recurring tasks, but they require significant effort from the real estate management teams. Futhermore, the management has few reliable indicators to analyze the situation and optimize the asset management of the portfolio.
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