Material Handling - Norda Stelo
Material Handling

Material Handling

We have extensive experience in handling agricultural products, bulk liquids, coal and petroleum coke, chemicals, construction aggregates, fertilizers, ores and mineral concentrates, as well as wood products

Our Approach to Material Handling
We develop custom material handling systems that deliver the optimal performance, with a focus on reliability, safety, and maintenance considerations.

Norda Stelo’s cost-effective bulk material handling solutions are innovative, efficient, and easily integrated into our clientsexisting operations. Our solutions include facility layouts for optimized process flow, maintenance access, and safety, the efficient and safe transfer of dry and liquid bulk goods, dust control systems, equipment upgrades, and overall operational efficiency.  

Manutention des matériaux
Our expertise
Transportation and Logistics Systems

Our team has experience working at various mine sites, ports and marine terminals, construction material facilities, sawmills, OSB plants and other heavy industrial facilities. This onsite practical knowledge coupled with decades of combined consulting experience has provided us with expertise in a wide range of areas including crushing, conveying, stockpiling, screening, reclaiming and storage, as well as paste backfill plants, pumping, piping, dewatering, filtration, loading/unloading equipment, and facilities for trucks, trains, and ships. 

From Mine to Market

We are leaders in bulk material transportation systems and logistics planning for moving products from mine to market by road, rail and sea. Our multimodal solutions, tailored to the unique conditions and challenges of each project, improve operational efficiency while considering the community, the local environment, profitability and overall sustainability. We plan, design, and deliver truck and rail loading facilities at mine sites, truck and rail receiving and unloading facilities, rail, barge, and ship loading systems, as well as marine and inland terminals.   

Customized Dust Management Solutions

Norda Stelo’s expertise in dust management extends to a variety of active systems that incorporate monitoring of wind velocity and direction, dust sprays, chemical systems, cyclones, bag houses, spill trays, washdown systems, wind fences, and enclosures.  

Additionally, we have developed specialized expertise in the design of passive dust control systems, including soft transfers that minimize dust generation utilizing state-of-the-art techniques such as the Discrete Element Method (DEM) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling analysis. These effective tools are employed to develop dynamic model simulations for the analysis of material and air flow trajectories in silos and transfers, taking into account the influence of moving surfaces such as gates, diverters, conveyor belts, and apron feeders.  

Employing such passive dust-management methods in the early design phases of dry bulk material handling systems reduces the need for costly active dust control methods and results in a more efficient throughput, while minimizing product degradation, clean-up requirements, and waste. 

Some of our projects in material handling

Explore some of the most evocative projects of our know-how and rich engineering experience through our portfolio of outstanding achievements, testifying to our commitment to excellence.  


Potash Ship Loading System Expansion

Our team performed the detailed design of an expansion project to increase the handling capacity of an existing potash facility from six million tonnes per year to ten million tonnes per year. The project included a new 600-tonne capacity surge bin, modifications to an existing conveyor to create a shuttling head end, a new 6,000 t/h conveyor, a conveyor tunnel, and a vehicle overpass. 
Industrial and Manufacturing

OSB Plant Conveyor System

Design of the complete conveyor system for the entire greenfield facility.